Veterinary Career
So you think you want a Veterinary Career? Ask yourself the following questions . . .
• Do you like animals?
• Do you get along well with people (owners)?
• Are you able to handle working with animals that are sick or in pain?
• Are you competitive?
• Are you comfortable dealing with wounds?
• Are you willing to perform surgery on an animal?
• Are you able to work long hours in a noisy environment?
The Facts About A Veterinary Career

• Competition is very fierce in this field. Although people love their pets, there are often more veterinary offices in an area than can reasonably survive.
• Many veterinarians work in a private practice. There are few community and government-based organizations that treat animals. Most opportunities will be in the private sector.
• Works hours will include nights and weekends. While many people are willing to take off work for a doctor’s appointment, they would prefer to take their pets to the doctor after hours.
• Many veterinary programs do not require a bachelor’s degree for admission to the program, but may require a significant amount of credit hours at the undergraduate level.
• There are currently 28 approved colleges in 26 states that offer these programs. For a program to be approved, it must be accredited by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).
How Much Money Can I Make As A Veterinarian?
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, in 2007 the median annual salary for a Veterinarian was $71,990. The salary range for these positions was between $43,530 and $133,150. Your salary will vary greatly depending on the amount of veterinarians that are located in you state.
Click here to compare the salary of a Veterinary career to other career salaries.
Ready To Start Your Veterinarian Career?
Click here to learn about the steps to get started in a Veterinarian Career.
If a Veterinarian Career isn’t what you are looking for, you may want to consider one of these other Healthcare Careers . . .
Other Healthcare Careers
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